Wednesday, July 17th @ 9:30 – Koffee Klatch discussion on current technology topics.

Open house and walk-in registration is scheduled for August 17th with classes beginning  September 9th.

Other Events
SeniorNet sponsors other presentations of interest to seniors from time to time. In the past we have had presentations on Medicare, Alzheimers Disease, and Estate Planning. We are currently evaluating presentations on Misconceptions on Hospice, Diabetes, Advanced Directives, and Healthy Living as You Age to name a few. Please watch this page from time to time to see what has been scheduled.  Presentations are held in the chapel of the First Baptist Church.

Peoria Area SeniorNet is supported financially by the Illinois Eye Center, The Senior Care Network, Ameren Illinois and by generous donations from our students.  We also receive in-kind support from First Baptist Church of Peoria.